
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Meg and Aleina

Early in the summer, Meg and I took a trip down to Sanford where my favorite fabric store is. She picked out some great stuff and said she'd make herself a quilt to bring with her to school in August. She has quite an eye for color and the patterns were lovely.

As the summer progressed, she got busy working 2 jobs and volunteering at the Barbara Bush wing at Maine Med and time got away from her. Then all of a sudden she started quilting...she'd be over here some evenings after work and stay until midnight, sewing and ripping and redoing.....
Until finally Friday arrived and it was major crunch time! The top had been created, but it needed to be put together and quilted. (Note she was leaving for school the next day!!!!)
She knew Grammie would help to get it together and she was right!
We had to set the sewing machine on the table so we could feed the project through the machine.
It was so big and heavy it took the two of us to work on it.
She would sew while I helded the quilt and then we'd switch places and reverse roles.
After about 6 hours, it was complete.....
I'm sure she'll enjoy it when it's cold this winter.....
It was fun to work on it together....

A nice flannel backing will make it snuggly and warm......

Aleina turned 13 on July 22nd. GF was going to take her and her friends out on the boat
for a ride and swim at Diamond Island.....but the weather has been nasty and finally after
2 delays, they were able to go out on Monday.


Brrrrr that water was cold...about 58 degrees...
Isn't it nice to be young?
Heading home after a great day.....


CaliforniaGrammy said...

Oh Joni, your quilting room is to-die for. Oh my gosh, that's one thing I truly miss in this lifestyle we've chosen, is the room to store my fabric stash where I can get to it easily. I have lots of fabric, but it's a chore to get to. But I manage, and I wouldn't trade what we're doing. Quilting with your granddaughter has got to be a joy. And what a beautiful quilt she made. She should be quite proud as I'm sure you are!

Brenda P said...

Nice quilt ladies!

Lani and the girls loved their excursion. Swimming in way too cold water was only part of the attraction. They also had fun waving at other boats, eating lots of junk food and watching the seals frolic in the bay.

Thanks for the memories! Love, Brenda