Sunday we went to a Beach Party. The Lakes (that's us!) and The Shores (that's part of the same development, except they're directly on the ocean) These groups get together on the first Sunday of every month...everyone brings a dish to share...and join together for a couple hours of social activities.

Wednesday evening I joined the Book Club. The book discussed "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult. There were about 15 of us was a fun time and I got to meet more people.
I've been invited to join "The Lunch Bunch" who meet 1 day a month..this month they're going into Cocoa to a Tea Party and tour a Historic Home.....
Let's see what Guy is doing while I'm galavanting around....Tuesday, he locked his keys in the car and got to meet the local AAA guy.
He dropped the TV clicker (for that big beautiful 52" screen) on the tile floor, smashing it and so got to go over to the local Radio Shack and meet some nice people there.
We bought a couple of 2nd hand beach bikes from someone in our building who was moving....
we took a trial run last night and it was a sight to behold! There's an old saying that once you learn to ride a bike, you never watching the both of us zig zag down the road, you never would have known we used to know how to peddle those machines....Hopefully, we will not hurt ourselves too badly, get some good exercise and not embarass ourselves too much...
She'll be with us until the 15th.... We had been bragging about our 80 degree weather, and today it was only 68....but....coming from the cold northeast, there were no complaints from her.
We took her for a tour of the complex and tonight after dinner, she and I walked over to the pool area and enjoyed the Hot Tub for awhile.
Have a nice time with Meg! Im jealous and wish I had time to make it down to the good ole sunshine state! Instead I will be doing taxes 12 hours a day for 12 weeks! YAY! My Sisters Keeper is an amazing book. I actually have Jodi's whole collection of books at home if you would like to read another! Have fun and I'll keep checking the Blog to find out more of your fun adventures! Love you!
Take care of your first Winter guest... she needs to be pampered before she goes back to school
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