Earlier this week, Nichole and Dewey came to visit....she brought Dewey into the bathroom, shut the door and we could hear the rustling of plastic bags and soft chuckles....and out they came! Nichole had broken down and put clothes on her dog!!!! She excused it by saying she was entering him in a contest at the local Pet Shop and the top prize was a years supply of FREE dog food.....She and Julie (the "other" Grammie) had each bought him an outfit to wear.
And now as the colder weather is settling in, Nichole has suggested that maybe he could use a little warm jacket....and he does need one, so into the sewing room I will go and see what I can make...something plain, simple, with no ice cream or squirrel motifs!
I'm sure whatever you come up with will not embarrass Dewie . . . something a whole lot more conservative!
Oooops . . . I meant DewEY!
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