The new Disney Ship "Fantasy" came into Port on Tuesday 6th .It arrived on time at 6AM with thousands to greet her.
Disney filled 22 buses with Characters and employees from Orlando to stand along the canal with hundreds of local residents.

There was a group from Solona that walked down in the dark with chairs, coffee and blueberry muffins to welcome her in. It was a spectacular sight to see as she sailed past us, fireworks boats spewing their water high into the air.

Disney handed out hot chocolate along with their famous Mickey Mouse hands (on a stick) to wave to the dignitaries aboard.
Now having 2 - 4000 passenger Disney ships at Port Canaveral will help to keep the economy strong in this area.

The Fantasy will generate more than 500 local jobs, not counting its crew of 1458.
Their Maiden voyage will be on March 31st and promises to be an extravaganza.

A Bean Bag Toss group has been formed, playing every Tuesday afternoon. I've never played before, so it is a learning process...
It's fun and easy and you get to meet new people.
Guy and I are a team, but we've never played together...I think the rules are confusing, but it all works out in the end.

need some pointers from my Grandson Andrew!

The weather has been strange here this past week....lots of warm temps, very high winds and some much needed rain. The other night we happened to look out and see the largest rainbow either one of us have ever seen. The colors were so lasted almost 40 minutes....

The rainbow begins (or ends) on the Carnival cruise ship in the background...Click on the picture to see it better....

Friday morning Guy picked up Gail, Lou, Gloria and Tom from their Disney cruise....they were still all smiles and chatting about their experiences....
I then took possession of the Van, picked up my Quilting gals and off we went to Melbourne to the Quilt Show.

As always, we had a great time checking out the beautiful work that was done. It did inspire us to tackle another project....maybe a little more difficult one this time......

absolutely gorgeous....

this was one of my favorites...simple but elegant!

Marcy was raving about this great Meat market so we stopped to check it out on our way home...we all came out with something....I bought a delicious piece of coconut crusted Talapia..yum....

Saturday morning we couldn't walk on the beach due to high tide, so we walked the bicycle path over to the Port and had breakfast at Grill's on the waterfront. It was such a beautiful morning, glad we were able to start off the day enjoying the surroundings (walk was a little over 3 miles, so we were able to justify eating a great meal)

Sunday (today) we awoke to fog and rain and in general, just a miserable day so I was surprised that Guy and his pals still went to the TICO Air Show in Titusville. This is the only flying B29 in the world.
...the star of the show!

the weather did curtail some of the events, but a few planes were able to get off the ground and put on a show.
These are WWII fighters,,
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