
Friday, December 26, 2008

Brenda & Rick's Family

The last of the Christmas parties was held late this afternoon
when Rick, Deb, Hannah, Spencer
Brenda, Pat, Aleina and Sam
joined us for a Potluck dinner Brenda brought a delicious seafood chowder
Deb had 2 different chicken dishes
and we supplied Sour Cream Chicken Casserole
along with various breads, veggies
and way too many rich desserts....
Hannah, Aleina, Spencer and Sam

Then for the real fun...
the opening of the gifts:)
Spencer is hidden in there somewhere...
when he opened his quilt
with lots of golden retrievers sewn in...

Brenda got a homemade sweater...

Deb got a warm rose colored flannel quilt....

Hannah's was bright colors with a
cell phone theme....

Aleina looked pleased with her pug blanket....

Sam's had acrobatic planes flying all over his...

What else, but a fishing, woodsy outdoorsy
one for Pat
Rick should be able to keep warm this winter
with his scrappy fishing quilt...
Spencer made Grammie a beautful Christmas ornament
He's explaining (in great detail)
all the steps that were involved in this creation.
It's beautiful Spencer:)
He made GF a special boat...
What a busy boy he's been....
GF will always treasure it
A nice picture of the two families

Rick, Guy and Brenda
It was a really fun evening...
We are blessed with such a great Family

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