
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Afternoon at Lake Mary Jane

Christine and Bill (our neighbors from the past 2 years) invited us to join them at their Lake Camp on Sunday.  It's a beautiful spot on Lake Mary Jane.  As we were driving over to Orlando, we rain into a shower and then the skies broke into a beautiful, warm sunny afternoon.

 Their "camp" was so friendly and cozy..just the place to have the Southern
Hospitality we were invited to share with them.
 Bill took us on a boat ride all around the can see by the expression on his face, he's a big boat lover and even though you can't see Guy's expression behind the camera, his smile was just as big and genuine as Bill's.
 Chatting before "lunch" on the screened in porch overlooking the lake.

 Bill out did himself with his cooking in the charcoal smoker!  ( did not come out clear)...He fixed chicken, pulled pork and my very favorite...PORK RIBS...they were super!  In fact he gave me a big leftover package to bring home...(which I ate for breakfast, yes breakfast! and lunch the next day.....super yummy)....
Christine cutting the "cupcake" I brought for dessert.  We had a wonderful visit and truly enjoyed "Southern Hospitality" at its finest.

1 comment:

CaliforniaGrammy said...

What a beautiful cabin on the lake! And I am drooling thinking about the smoked pork, ribs, and chicken ... yummo!