
Monday, March 16, 2009

Afternoon at the beach and Shuttle Discovery

Sunday was a picture-perfect day Florida day.
We packed up and headed to the beach.
Guy played a couple games of horseshoes, while I soaked up the rays and read.
Wes called to tell us that he also was at the beach, enjoying 51 degree temps.
He also told Guy he saw 2 bikini clad girls run into and out of the ocean...either on a dare
or maybe just from being couped up in the house for 4 months!
While still on the phone, we noticed a large gathering of people, so of course,
had to join them to check what was going on...
Someone had caught a 5' shark (from the beach) and was reeling it in...
then cut it loose and watched it swim back out....
Any thoughts of going in for a swim left me immediately....
We decided to take a stroll on the beach....there was so much to see...
Someone obviously spent a great deal of time creating this sand masterpiece...
Guy is working on his Farmers' tan....

Due to Spring Break and the launch, the beaches were crowded...

The black speck way out in the ocean (see left)
is a Trident of many that come into the
Cape Canaveral AFB for upgrading...
Click on the pictures for a better view....

All types of sports entertainment here.....

We watched a tanker leave, heading out to sea

Our finale for the day was an undescrible shuttle launch.
We were invited to the roof to watch and what a sight to behold!
It took place at dusk and the sun shinning on the shuttle
made it glow like it was on fire.
Just thinking that there were 7 human beings in that piece of machinery
made us all feel so vunerable.
It's so amazing that we can send this vehicle
to rendezvous with something already high in the heavens.
How blessed we are to be able to witness this..

If all goes as planned, we'll be back up there watching another
missle launching Tuesday night.

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