After going to church, (yes, Family, we go to church just about every Sunday!)...I will digress a minute by telling you a funny story...when we were coming out from the service this morning, a young man asked me if we were from Maine? I wondered how he would know...Guy was singing, but I didn't think his accent was that it was his shirt!! He was wearing one of his favorites, the one with the chart of Mount Desert Island...and this guy was studying his shirt, trying to figure out where it was from.....and finally figured out it was from Maine....His parents live in South Paris!!
We walked back to the condo and changed into our beach clothes...this was definitely a beach day.....I spoke with both my Daughters on the phone, trying not to gloat too much as I described the scene as they both sat there, gazing out at their snowbanks and stoaking the coals once more. Julie and Paul are heading down here on Friday, and Melinda on the 3rd....I hope this glorious weather continues so they can also enjoy heaven!!!

1 comment:
Hi guys. I just wrote a nice long set of comments, then tried to submit but did not have an account. By the time I signed up for anm account, my comments were gone!!
Short summary then: Glad you are having a great time but stay away from the Tiki Bar more than 3 times a day. The sunshine is gssreat, much bestter than your smow at home, right? Will say more later, and also will share you site with some of the other folks. Jack Richardson
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