
Monday, February 25, 2008

Another day in Paradise

Here come the Fishermen! Look at all the gear they're bring down with them....fresh bait, fresh beer.....

Paul headed across the street first thing this morning, over to "Diamond Castle", the local Pawn Shop and bought himself a 11' surf casting rod...this has to do the trick!!

It's quite a production to get setup.
You have to make sure that the bait is right, the tide is right....the beer is cold enough...

Then when it's all setup, you can sit back and wait for them to bite......

And wait..... and wait....
And again today.....NO FISH!!! not even stories of one that got away!
Now Julie and I had quite a productive day. After walking on the beach, sun tanning on the beach, fixing lunch, showering....we went shopping......and shopped...and shopped...and shopped:)

Yesterday when we went to the Flea Market, Paul wanted to get himself a shark's tooth necklace to go along with the ankle bracklet he found on the beach earlier in the day.....

Is he a cool dude, or what???

1 comment:

Joni Linscott said...

looks good