
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Our little Chia Pet!

He's been threatening to do this for a long time....first he had to wait until he retired, and then when he retired he wasn't so sure. In a burst of confidence on Tuesday while we were visiting Patrick's, he decided that this was the day!! We let him loose and when we met up with him again, this is what he did!! got a crew cut!!!
Proud as punch at what he'd done...and now it won't take him so long to get ready in the comb overs to deal with and no hair spraying! He's a free man now:)


Gary & Cecile Thompson said...

Nice 'do' Guy! I didn't know that I would have such an influence on you.

Rick and Deb said...

Hey that looks great, don't forget the sunscreen.

6-10" of snow tonight, snow Monday or Tuesday

Brenda P said...

I love it!! Embrace your God-given hair line - regardless of how far it recedes...