
Thursday, June 02, 2011

Brownson Navy Reunion

We've been home for a couple of it's time to pack up and head to Philadelphia area for Guy's Brownson Navy Reunion, where he holds the title of Vice President...Arriving late Wednesday afternoon, friends of ours who live in Royersford, Pa. (and winter with us at Solona Lake in Fl.)

drove up to Meeting Hill so we could go out to dinner together and get

caught up on news.... Thursday we helped setup for the Reunion.

What better place for Guy, than the Hospitality Room....

Joe Eliff (Pres. of the Association) and his wife Norma

were the hosts of this years Reunion.

They spent the past 2 years setting it up and planning it

and all the hard work was worth it, because it was a great time.

We stayed at the Sheraton, which was a great Hotel and Convention Center....

Friday, we took a tour to Valley Forge.

It was a cool, rainy day which was the only negative to the day.

Valley Forge was the Winter Encampment in 1777-78 for the

Continental Army, led by George Washington.

A great History tour of the area...we all wondered how they

endured the elements and living conditions of this period.

anyone remember this?

Saturday morning everyone headed for another tour, while I grabbed a shuttle to Philadelphia Amtrak Station. it was a long day as the train

was 1 1/2 hours late. I'm heading for New Haven,Ct. to attend Graduation for Grandaughter Meg who will be graduating from Quinniapiac in the Nursing program. I missed the Banquet on Sunday night...Guy was re-elected as VP and the next Reunion will be held in Duluth, Minnesota in

May of 2013.

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