
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Andrew & Ellen arrive

Due to technology problems beyond my control, I have been unable to publish the blog for the past couple of days.....Sorry to all of you who have checking for daily, here we go again!

Late Sunday afternoon, Andrew & Ellen arrived....Just in case they didn't recognize us, we made signs to greet them. Here they come with bright smiling faces! Ready for some fun in the sun and hoping to break Dad's fishing record.

Ellen lost a bet to Andrew so had to take him out to Barrier Jack's for breakfast....

I'll take a picture of you......

You take a picture of me!

I'll take a picture of both of us!

They saw a big jelly fish on their walk on the beach..

yuk! and also one of those geckos..I thought they were green and could speak...(haha)

We dropped them off at Ron Juan's and they walked all the way back down the strip, shopping along the way. When they got back to the Condo, they were ready for a swim!

Ready! Set! Go! Ellen jumped in, but Mel didn't....

First I'll put my feet in, then I'll slowly get wet.....

soaking in the sun....Melinda was eating potato salad...(go figure!)

GF was keeping an eye on everyone from above....Too chicken to go in the pool!

Steve, Linda and Chrissy came down from Orlando for a short visit. They have been staying in the Orlando area with friends all week.

We were happy they could stay and share dinner with us.

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