
Friday, March 28, 2008

Our Internet service has suddenly gone back to normal speed this morning, so I'm downloading the pictures that went with yesterday's blog.
Here are Joyce and Gerry Betz that drove down from Pt. Orange to spend time with us Monday.
Here are pictures of The Villages that we visited on Tuesday. The Villages consist of approximately 40 different "villages" within this space. It is not a city and has not been incorporated, but exists as a city and you can live within its boundaries without having to leave to acquire any services such as medical care, entertainment, grocery stores....they have it all!
The total population is about 68,000 residents, so you can see how vast the area is. Most forms of transportation are golf carts and they have underground tunnels you use so you do not have to drive across streets with vehicular traffic.
The areas are divided into regional sections and each section have their own recreational buildings and swimming pools. You can use any of the recreational areas you wish, you are not confined to your own area.

This is one of the recreational buildings. Here there are meeting rooms for you to use for any of the groups there...for example these are just a few of the wide variety of activities offered: Line dancing, Bingo, Card playing, Clowning, Country Music, Creative Writing, Journalism and the few that perked my ears open...Knitting, Jewelry Making, Scrap booking and Quilting. They even have a Polo Club that you can watch and have a tail gate party on the back of your golf cart. As you can see, I was quite enthusiastic about the entire concept.

Of course, they were more than happy to show you the Model Homes available. Our "salesman" was especially nice and thankfully had a "no pressure" policy. He drove us around and probably spent a total of 3 hours showing us the areas.
This picture is on the dark was my favorite layout....the kitchen is in the front of the home...
Here is the outside of my favorite home...I would prefer to be in a building constructed of concrete rather than the tradional wood homes we have back home....(due to weather-related issues, of course)
Here is the one Guy liked best. More of an open concept...Kitchen is huge, but I've learned this winter that, believe it or not, I can work pretty well in a smaller scale kitchen!!

Guy's favorite...a wooden structure....

One of the "Town Squares" in The Villages......Oh well, it's fun to dream!!!

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